Episode 28: He scales rent promotions to maximize future value!

Episode 28: He scales rent promotions to maximize future value!

Joining Justin for this special double episode recorded at PODMAX is Chris Larsen of The Next Level Income Show.

Chris shares his challenges on a third-party management company and how crucial it is to have a management company that understands the correct ways to overcome tough challenges. Additionally, he talks about the process of the capital call and how to best utilize it if something goes wrong.

Also, Chris shares a story about a local deal in Asheville, North Carolina, sharing his process dealing with the bank, operations, and how he managed to nurture relationships in the process. He added how he looked a year ahead and gave concessions to maximize payoff.

Episode 29: They spill the secrets to buying a 336-unit apartment building complex!

Episode 29: They spill the secrets to buying a 336-unit apartment building complex!

Episode 27: His drug dealing tenant always paid rent on time!

Episode 27: His drug dealing tenant always paid rent on time!